"The new information technology ... Internet and e-mail ... have practically eliminated the physical costs of communications." - Peter Drucker
1. Do you advertise in the media?
2. Do you have a printed brochure or other promotional material?
3. Would you like prospective clients to find information about you easily?
4. Would you like your products or services to be available world-wide?
5. Would you like to sell your products or services online 24 hours a day?
If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then you should have a Website.
According to the latest statistics, people are spending an increasing amount of time on the Internet and watching less TV. You can't afford NOT to have a Website. If you do have a Website, how can you get that Website to work for you instead of just sitting there gathering dust? Most Websites go nowhere and make no profit. They're an expense not an asset. An effective Website is one that gives you a profitable return on your investment.
- By creating a Website that builds your business brand and can easily be found on the internet
- By increasing the visibility of your business to millions of people in cyberspace.
- 50% of households own a computer
- 37% of households have access to the internet
- half billion people use the internet worldwide
People are looking online for your type of business and they need to find you! If you don't have an effective Website, they will not find you. This means loss of potential business. An effective, well-organized Website has the awesome potential to reduce costs and increase revenue.
Your website must be a part of your branding. Branding is what differentiates you from the millions of sites out there and establishes your corporate identity. For example - "when you think Volvo, you think safety."
An effective Website reaches new, untapped resources that introduce you and your products or services to an otherwise unreachable market.
A Website helps to reduce your costs; there is no need for postage and handling. Compared to other advertising media like printed brochures, an effective Website is an excellent return on investment.
A Website is much more cost efficient - when compared to radio, TV, newspaper or billboard ads. A Website decreases administrative costs, normally associated with paper-based information.
A Website provides your business with a 24/7 presence and can attract international customers that a business would normally not reach. Instant access to information about your company and products helps to attract new business.
Updates are as often as possible and the changes are instant. Costs are nominal.
Your effective Website is an online brochure providing current, relevant information about your business to your customers.
Imagine if you had an ebook, an audio or a video that took you a day to create and that single product now generates $10,000 per month in sales. Wouldn't it be worth it to have that effective Website working for you now?
For more information on how to make your Website an effective one - a Website that will work for you, contact Nina Menezes at nina@interdream-designs.com.